Objective: Differences concerning alteration of hemostatic, hemolysis, and hematologic parameters after transfusion of blood from a cell-separation (CS) device or whole blood autotransfusion (WBA) were prospectively evaluated during major aortic surgery.
Method: Thirty-two patients were randomly selected to receive autologous retransfusion by using either WBA or a CS device. Coagulation and hematologic parameters and levels of hemolytic degradation products (HDP) were assessed in the retransfused blood and in the patients' plasma preoperatively and until 24 hours after autologous retransfusion, respectively.
Results: Mean volume of retransfused blood was 1072 +/- 473 ml in the WBA group and 556 +/- 504 in the CS group. Level of HDP (bilirubin, free hemoglobin [free HB], and lactic dehydrogenase [LDH] and hemostatic disturbances (d-dimer value, fibrin degradation products) were significantly higher in the WBA device compared with the CS blood. Blood samples taken from the WBA group revealed significantly higher level of HDP (free HB, LDH) and of d-dimer values after autotransfusion compared with the CS group.
Conclusion: Levels of HDP and the degree of hemostatic disturbances were significantly higher in retransfused whole blood compared with CS blood. Hemostatic disturbances and levels of HDP were significantly pronounced in the patients' plasma after WBA compared with CS. CS retransfused blood seems to be of superior quality compared with WBA and the degree of hemolysis and hemostatic disturbances is minor after CS retransfusion.