The DNA content of 168 consecutive T3,N0,M0 (Dukes' B, Astler-Coller B2) colorectal cancers was studied using image analysis on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues. 72 cases (43%) were classified as diploid and the remaining 96 (57%) as non-diploid. After a median follow-up period of 6.7 years, a significant survival advantage was found for diploid compared with non-diploid cases (logrank test; P = 0.008). The long-term (8 year) survival rate was 70% for diploid and 46% for non-diploid tumours. Subgroup analysis showed that the survival advantage conferred by tumour diploidy was greatest in large (> or = 5 cm) cancers and was found both in colonic and rectal cancer cases. These data indicate that tumour ploidy status measured by image analysis might be useful in determining risk of colorectal cancer recurrence and death in patients following resection of early colorectal cancer.