Twenty-three patients with hepatitis B were treated with recombinant interferon-alpha-2a. Twelve patients were given 6 MU three times a week for 6 months (Group A); eleven patients were given 9 MU three times a week for an initial 4-month course and subsequently for a further 3-month course after 6 months of no therapy (group B). Eight patients in the group A (66.7%) and seven patients in the group B became negative for HBV-DNA and normalized their ALT, compared to 31% of controls. Relapses were noticed in 75% of the responders in the group A and in 71.4% of the responders in the group B within 12 months after interferon discontinuation. The Authors are consequently of opinion that it is appropriate to try longer treatments with moderate doses of interferon in order to maintain the response as long as possible.