Severe vesicouretheral reflux sometimes causes terminal renal failure which then requires renal transplantation. In these patients it may be necessary to perform bilateral nephrectomy when associated to serious hypertension or urinary infections with a significant clinical impact. This paper presents the clinical picture of a patient with a corpse renal transplantation, due to terminal renal failure secondary to reflex nephropathy, in whom it was necessary to perform bilateral nephrectomy due to the uncommon urinary infections requiring hospitalization for treatment. The bilateral nephrectomy was done through transperitoneal laparoscopic approach, using seven points for trocars introduction. The procedure lasted 4 hours and the patients was discharged within 48 hours with no complications. Accumulate experience in the use of laparoscopy in urology has allowed this technique to be feasible. After designing the experimental model, our group has had the chance to accomplish laparoscopic nephrectomies in humans. We believe that this is the first case of bilateral nephrectomy conducted in our country using the laparoscopic approach.