Electric or magnetic slow wave brain activity can be associated with brain lesions. For an accurate source localization we transformed the magnetoencephalographic (MEG) coordinate system to the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system by using a surface fit of the digitally measured head surface and the reconstructed surface of the MRI scan. Furthermore we solved the problem to separate sources of focal activity from other multiple sources by introducing a spatial average, the Dipole Density Plot (DDP). The DDP shows in a quantified manner concentrations of dipoles across time. The DDP uses the single dipole model adequately, because only those signal sections will be analyzed, where one component contributes to the signal predominantly. In all cases, where multiple sources concurrently active are to be localized, a current distribution analysis will be used, the Current Localization by Spatial Filtering (CLSF). All source localization procedures were tested using structural brain lesions, which were verified by imaging techniques (MRI or CT), showing the results in close topographical relation to the lesions. The results so far let us assume, that the DDP and the CLSF are valuable tools to localize sources of focal spontaneous slow wave electrical brain activity.