Twenty-six patients with haematological malignancy received cryopreserved but otherwise unmanipulated blood cell transplants (BCT) from five- or six-antigen matched siblings in whom progenitor cells had been mobilized by G-CSF. Outcomes were compared with a historical control group of 26 BMT patients matched for age and disease status. Granulocyte counts recovered to 0.5 x 10(9)/l in a median of 16 days after BCT compared with 21.5 days after BMT (P = 0.0002). Platelet counts, unsupported for 3 days, reached 20 x 10(9)/l in a median of 14 days vs 20.5 days (P = 0.0003) after BCT compared with BMT in those patients who engrafted. In the BCT and BMT groups, respectively, the risk of grade II-IV acute GVHD was 37 vs 21% (P = 0.16) and of chronic GVHD at 1 year 53 vs 48% (P = 0.9). There was no significant difference in red cell transfusions but BCT patients required fewer platelet transfusions (median 3 vs 5, P = 0.015) and fewer days in hospital (20.5 vs 25, P = 0.02). These results indicate that allogeneic BCT from matched and partially mismatched family donors result in faster engraftment than BMT without a significant increase in GVHD. Allogeneic BCT may prove to be a more tolerable procedure than BMT for both donor and recipient and there are indications of improved cost-effectiveness.