The specific expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines may affect the functioning of organs in different ways. The results of specific cytokine bioassays used in this study show a distinct pattern of tissue expression of IL-1 IL-6 and CSF-1. Cytokine activity was assessed in conditioned media (CM) and lysates (LYS), obtained from different organs of control or lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-injected mice; LPS representing a potent inflammatory stimulus. Low constitutive levels of IL-1 could be demonstrated only in CM/LYS from organs with lymphoreticular function, such as the liver, spleen, intestine and lungs. On the other hand, IL-6 and CSF-1 were mainly detected in the CM (and not in lysates) of organs, such as the heart, kidneys, muscle and brain. LPS injection basically resulted in an accentuated form of the constitutive pattern. CSF-1 displays a similar pattern of expression to that of IL-6, best detected in CM after LPS stimulation. Thus, a mirror-image relationship emerges between the patterns of IL-1 and IL-6/CSF-1 expression in two groups of organs: those with lymphoreticular function, which manifest high IL-1 and low IL-6/CSF-1 activity, as compared to organs characterized by highly specialized and potentially vulnerable functions (such as the heart, brain, muscle and kidney), which exhibit high IL-6/CSF-1 and low IL-1 activity. Due to their defensive functions, lymphoreticular organs, which are in charge of the 'gates of entry' to the body, mount extensive IL-1-mediated inflammatory responses, even at the cost of possible tissue-damage. On the other hand, the more vulnerable internal organs mount IL-6/CSF-1-mediated responses which are milder and bear less potential for tissue damage. The distinct patterns of expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in different organs, at steady state or under inflammatory conditions, may shed light on tissue characteristic homeostatic and defence mechanisms.