Two patients aged 52 and 31 respectively, treated for male infertility with gonadotrophins (LCG/LMG), showed marked improvement of their migraine crises associated with a typical aura which had been present since puberty. Changes in the number, motility and morphology of the spermatozoids were seen in the seminogram. The plasma concentrations of FSH, LH, testosterone an 17-beta oestrodiol were within normal limits. After three months of empirical treatment with LCG/ LMG (to stimulate spermatogenesis) the migraine crises ceased and the patients are still free of migraine after 32 and 26 months respectively. The relationship between migraine and the sex hormones is discussed, in the context of current knowledge of the psysiopathology of migraine and the beneficial effects obtained after treatment with LCG/LMG. We have not found any reference in the literature to the use of gonadotrophins in the treatment of migraine with a typical aura.