Newer concepts in the diagnosis and treatment of retinoblastoma are briefly discussed. The role of ultrasonography, EMI scanning and LDH assays in the anterior chamber are evaluated. The greatest problems in differential diagnosis in recent years have been larval granulomatosis caused by Toxicara canis, Coat's disease and unclassifiable retinal dysplasias. The Ellsworth-Reese classification is discussed. The "cure rate" has been widely misinterpreted as survival and has led to many misapprehensions in the treatment of unilateral disease. The cases in group IV now do better for a variety of reasons and the results in orbital cases have been more extensively studied. The genetics of retinoblastoma have been intensively studied in our laboratory along with Dr. Kitchin and some newer concepts are briefly discussed. The relative roles of orthovoltage, external beam 60Co, linear accelerators and betatron are presented. Dosage level is distinctly related to radiation complications, especially retinal vascular necrosis and fatal radiation-induced neoplasms. The relationship of the latter to the pattern of inheritance is to be stressed. Chemotherapy has been used both as an adjuvant to radiation and for the destruction of micrometastases and a new protocol is described. The results of treatment are presented to update the 1966 report at the Gonin Club Meeting in Munich.