Activity circadian rhythms were measured non-invasively in 30 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer by wrist actigraphy, and compared with control data. Patients and control subjects were requested to wear the actigraph at home for 2 to 5 days. Control time-series exhibit high activity levels (150 to 350 counts/min) during daytime, followed by low activity levels (0 to 50 counts/min) during the night. In patients, the contrast between daytime activity and nocturnal sleep is noticeably less marked, and a wide inter-patient variability can be observed. This alteration of the rest-activity rhythm in the cancer group was statistically validated by autocorrelation test. Results from the cosinor and he maximal entropy spectral analysis must be interpreted more cautiously, since the prerequisites for these tests may not be fulfilled by actometric time-series. These results indicate that cancer patients may have altered rest-activity circadian rhythms. The significance and prognostic value of such alterations deserve further testing in a larger population. Actigraphy may provide a simple and innovative tool to study the circadian system in cancer patients.