Amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism in a relatively rare complication of long-term treatment with this molecule. It usually carries a good prognosis with regression being the rule after withdrawal of the drug although lethal forms have been reported. Conventional medical therapy (synthetic antithyroid drugs, steroids, betablockers) used in severe forms, is not always effective. In addition, amiodarone may be essential for the treatment of life-threatening, poorly tolerated arrhythmias, refractory to other forms of treatment. The authors report the cases of three patients treated with amiodarone for malignant arrhythmias who developed severe hyperthyroidism resistant to medical therapy and who were treated by total thyroidectomy. Surgery was followed by rapid resolution of the thyrotoxicosis without significant complications and immediate represcription of amiodarone. Thyroidectomy therefore seems a simple solution for amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism allowing very rapid resolution of the hyperthyroidism and the possibility of immediate represcription of amiodarone.