Fourteen serotypes are currently recognized in the Ureaplasma urealyticum species. These serotypes have been divided into two genomic clusters or biovars by a large number of typing methods. The parvo-biovar includes strains of serotypes 1, 3, 6 and 14 and the T960-biovar, strains belonging to the ten other serotypes. In this study, arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) has been applied to the analysis of reference strains of the 14 U. urealyticum serotypes. By using two different sets of 10-mer oligonucleotide primers, the method allowed the clear differentiation between the two known biovars of the species. However, further differentiation within a same biovar was only achieved for a few standard strains of the T960-biovar analysed by using a pairwise combination of primers. The reproducibility of AP-PCR profiles was shown on strains tested after repeated subcultures and with different thermal cyclers. Additional experiments were performed on forty isolates of U. urealyticum recovered from subjects of various origins. They confirmed that AP-PCR was able to identify the strains at the biovar level. With reference to the other typing methods, AP-PCR is easy to perform and can be applied to large numbers of strains for epidemiological purposes.