The relationship between liver steatosis, evaluated by ultrasonography, and various plasma haemostatic factors was examined in 64 apparently healthy males, aged 38 years. Plasma levels of factor VII clotting activity (F-VIIc), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) activity and antigen, tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) activity significantly differed in men with liver steatosis (n = 31) as compared with those without steatosis (n = 33). No significant differences were found in t-PA antigen and F-VII antigen. The men with liver steatosis also had significantly higher body mass index (BMI), plasma triglyceride and 2 h post-load insulin concentrations. While the differences in plasma haemostatic factors were substantially unchanged after adjustment for BMI, they totally disappeared when further allowance was made for plasma triglyceride and 2 h insulin concentrations. In conclusion, these results indicate that liver steatosis correlates specifically with increased PAI-1, F-VIIc and decreased t-PA levels, and suggest that such a relation is largely mediated by concomitant alterations in plasma triglyceride and insulin concentrations.