Electromagnetic resonators consisting of low-loss dielectric material and/or metallic boundaries are widely used in microwave technologies. These dielectric resonators usually have high Q factors and well-defined field distributions. Magnetic resonance imaging was shown as a way of visualizing the magnetic field distribution of the resonant modes of these resonators, if the dielectric body contains NMR sensitive nuclei. Dielectric resonators have also been proposed as RF coils for magnetic resonance experiments. The feasibility of this idea in high-field MR is discussed here. Specifically, the dielectric resonances of cylindrical water columns were characterized at 170.7 MHz (4 T 1H Larmor frequency), and evaluated as NMR transmit and receive coils. The dielectric resonance of a cylindrical volume of D2O was used to image a hand at 170.7 MHz. This study demonstrated that MRI is an effective way of visualizing the magnetic field in dielectric structures such as a water cylinder, and can potentially be generalized to solid-state dielectric devices. The possible applications of dielectric resonators other than simple cylindrical volumes in MRI and MR solution spectroscopy at high field strengths are also discussed.