There is a generally recognized need for improvement in quality of fast cardiac MR images. Consequently, breath-hold cine MR images were obtained with multiple surface coils connected to phased array receivers, and C/N, intra-observer and inter-observer variabilities for LV volumes and mass were evaluated. Two sets of short-axis images of the LV, one with multiple surface coils and another with a body coil, were acquired in eight subjects with a fast cine MR sequence using k-space segmentation (TR/TE = 7/2.2 msec, temporal resolution = 56 msec). C/N with multicoil imaging was 32.2 +/- 7.6 (mean +/- SD), significantly higher than that with a body coil (11.0 +/- 3.3, P < .01). The mean percentage differences in intra-observer and inter-observer measurements with multicoil imaging were significantly better than those with a body coil. In conclusion, multicoil imaging provides significant gain in C/N on breath-hold cine MRI of the heart. In addition, intra-observer and inter-observer reproducibilities are improved with multicoil imaging.