Purpose: We evaluated the effects of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) of distal ureteral calculi on serum prostate specific antigen (PSA).
Materials and methods: A total of 29 consecutive men with distal ureteral calculi at a maximum of 25 mm. from the ureteral orifice, and without any history of urinary tract infection, benign prostatio hyperplasia or prostate cancer underwent ESWL with the Dornier MPL 9000 X lithotriptor. The therapeutic focus size was 48 X 7 mm. PSA was measured exactly 5 minutes before ESWL, as well as 120 minutes, 24 hours and 7 days after termination of treatment.
Results: Fragmentation rate was 100% and all patients were stone-free within 1 week of therapy. There was no statistically significant difference between PSA values before and after treatment. Only 15 patients had a slight increase in PSA at 120 minutes after treatment (range 0.01 to 0.41 ng./ml., mean 0.07).
Conclusions: ESWL can be performed in men at risk for prostate cancer without impairing the predictive value of PSA.