Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification, NASBA, is an isothermal amplification technique for nucleic acids and was used for typing a collection of 24 Mycoplasma pneumoniae strains. A set of primers was chosen from the 16S rRNA sequence alignment of Mycoplasma species. The nucleotide sequences of the (-)RNA amplicons were determined for M. pneumoniae strains M15/83 (type 1) and FH (type 2), and revealed a one-point difference at the 16S rRNA level between the two types. Based on this result, two type-specific probes were constructed. The probes were hybridized in solution with the amplified nucleic acids of 24 M. pneumoniae strains in an enzyme-linked gel assay (ELGA). The results obtained by NASBA-based typing are in agreement with the classification of the 24 M. pneumoniae strains into two types by other typing methods, confirming the reliability of this technique.