We evaluated the usefulness of a rapid, qualitative, bedside immunoassay for cardiac-specific troponin T in patients with chest pain. A concordant result between quantitative troponin T and qualitative troponin T assay was observed in 183 (96%) tests. The sensitivity of the rapid troponin T assay for detecting acute myocardial infarction increased significantly according to the number of hours elapsed after onset of chest pain from 17% for patients presenting within 4 h to 71% for patients presenting in the time interval of greater than 8 h from onset of chest pain (P < 0.001). Specificity ranged from 83 to 93% in the three time intervals evaluated. A concordant result between CK-MB-measurement and rapid troponin T assay was observed in 159 (83%) tests. In 14/191 tests a positive rapid troponin T and a negative CK-MB assay was observed. In 9/14 (64%) cases this result was true positive for the rapid troponin T assay and in 5/14 (36%) cases false negative. As sensitivity and specificity of the rapid troponin T assay are comparable with CK-MB measurements, rapid troponin T assay is a simple and useful laboratory tool for the bedside triage in patients with chest pain.