Cervical lymph-node treatment in parotid gland epithelial malignancies is still debated. According to Literature, three different strategies (surgery, radiotherapy, "wait and see") have all been proposed theoretically, particularly when dealing with N0 cases. The present study was designed to evaluate the results of different lymphonode treatment strategies in 57 parotid gland carcinomas followed at the ENT Clinic of the University of Ferrara. The most frequent hystological patterns appeared to be the adenoidcystic carcinoma (33.3%) and the mucoepidermoid tumor (21.1%). Total parotidectomy was the treatment of choice in all cases. Ipsilateral neck dissection was performed in 14 cases (24.5%), 5 cases being N0. In 27 patients (47.4%) postsurgical radiotherapy was applied: in 7 cases on T and in 20 on both T and N.T recurrences were 7, while those of N and of both T and N were respectively 2 and 2. No occult metastases were found in N0 dissected patients. The results obtained led the Authors to the following conclusions: -neck dissection is fundamental in treatment of clinical adenopathies in any parotid gland malignancy: -postsurgical radiotherapy on the neck is the treatment of choice in all N0 carcinomas except in cases of acinic cell and mucoepidermoid carcinomas, where a "wait and see" policy seems to be more suitable.