We suggest a semi-automatic method for the determination of gelatin. The measured concentration of gelatin is not dependant for the amino-acid composition of that plasma substitute preparation. Plasmatic proteins are separated previously from gelatin by precipitation using trichloracetic acid (5 p. cent; vol/vol). Modified gelatin lower in molecular weight than proteins can be found in the supernatant. It is determined by Lowry method with an automatic continuous flow system. Standardization must be realized using gelatin's solution since the developped coloration intensity with proteins is stronger. At electrophoresis, gelatin migrates essentially towards beta-globulins. beta-globulins increased with the gelatin level in serum. Percentage of variation for beta globulins and other fractions must be determinated in function of the protein level before perfusion. So it is possible to study the percentage of variation of these electrophoretic fractions independantly of the altered protein level.