A murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) S-Endo 1 has been produced to detect circulating endothelial cells detached from blood vessels in pathological conditions. We have demonstrated that the associated-antigen (S-Endo 1 Ag) was highly expressed on human vascular structure irrespective of tissue origin or vessel caliber. Its expression was not restricted to endothelium, since it was also detected at low level on smooth muscle cells, stroma cells and follicular dendritic cells. But its absence on hematopoietic cells made S-Endo 1 a helpful reagent to specifically discriminate endothelium from hematopoietic tissues. Biochemical characterization showed that S-Endo 1 recognizes a monomeric structure of approximately 118 kDa on cultured endothelial cells. S-Endo 1 was submitted to the 5th International Workshop (Boston, 1993) and did not cluster in any of the old or new endothelial clusters discussed at the conference, indicating its unique reactivity. Together with the data presented in this paper, this suggested that S-Endo 1 defines a previously undescribed endothelial molecule.