Local and lymphnodal recurrences of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) in thyroidectomy patients with elevated plasma levels of calcitonin and/or CEA can be detected using 111In-pentetreotide (Octreoscan: OCT) scintigraphy, although the sensitivity of this technique in localizing an intrathyroid recurrence of tumor is affected by the low target/non-target uptake ratio. The survival rate of patients with MTC, who have undergone thyroidectomy and who show evidence of a rise in plasma levels of calcitonin and/or CEA is closely linked to the number and localization of the metastases. However the role of conventional imaging techniques (X-rays, US, CT, and MR) in the follow-up after thyroidectomy is controversial. Numerous radiocompounds are currently being used to detect local and distant recurrences of MTC. The present study evaluated OCT and pentavalent 99mTc-dimercapto-succinic-acid (99mTc-DMSA-V) scintigraphy performed in 13 patients with a histologic diagnosis of MTC and in one with MEN 2A, all of whom had undergone thyroidectomy between 3 months and 15 years before. The patients also underwent 123I (NaCI) scintigraphy to evaluate the sites and extension of thyroidal remnants. 111In-pentetreotide scintigraphy was positive in 9/14 patients (64%); the 99mTc-DMSA-V was positive in 5/14 patients (35%). 111In-pentetreotide scintigraphy recognized 18 sites of abnormal uptake (12 in the neck); 9mmTc-DMSA-V detected 9 MTC recurrences in the same patients. In conclusion, 111In-OCT scintigraphy represents, in the authors' experience, a useful method, more sensitive than 9mmTc-DMSA-V, to detect MTC recurrences in patient follow-up post-thyroidectomy.