A retrospective audit of hysterectomies in young women (age 30 years and under) was conducted. Forty-one hysterectomies, representing 4% of all hysterectomies at the hospital, were performed in women of this age group. The main clinical indications were abnormal uterine bleeding (44%), pelvic pain (20%) and endometriosis (15%). None were performed for invasive malignant conditions. Most women had some prior therapy for their symptoms. Thirty-seven of the operations were total abdominal hysterectomies and 4 women had a unilateral oophorectomy. Complications were found in 17 women. Causal pathology, though not always what was predicted clinically or on the basis of operative findings, was identified. Further studies would be worthwhile to document the experience from other institutions and to provide long-term follow-up.