'Stacking hybridization reactions' wherein two or more short DNA oligomers hybridize in a contiguous tandem orientation onto a longer complementary DNA single strand have been employed to enhance a variety of analytical oligonucleotide hybridization schemes. If the short oligomers anneal in perfect head-to-tail register the resulting duplex contains a nick at every boundary between hybridized oligomers. Alternatively, if the short oligomers do not hybridize precisely in register, i.e. single strand regions on the longer strand are left unbound, gaps are formed between regions where short oligomers bind. The resulting gapped DNA duplexes are considerably less stable than their nicked duplex analogs. Formation of base pair stacking interactions between neighboring oligomers at the nicks that do not occur in gapped duplexes has been proposed as the source of the observed added stability. However, quantitative evidence supporting this hypothesis for DNA has not been reported. Until now, a direct comparison of the thermodynamics of DNA nicks versus DNA gaps has not been performed. In this communication we report such a comparison. Analysis of optical melting experiments in a well defined molecular context enabled quantitative evaluations of the relative thermodynamic difference between nicked and gapped DNA duplexes. Results of the analysis reveal that a nick may be energetically favored over a gap by at least 1.4 kcal/mol and perhaps as much as 2.4 kcal/mol. The presence of a 5'phosphate at a nick or gap fails to significantly affect their stabilities.