The action of rotameric probes introduced either in position 7 or 8 in the sequence of substance P (SP) was investigated, i.e. L-tetrahydroisoquinoleic acid (Tic), L-fluorenylglycine (Flg), L-diphenylalanine (Dip), the diastereoisomers of L-1-Indanylglycine (Ing) and L-benz[f]indanylglycine (Bfi), the Z- and E-isomers of dehydrophenylalanine and dehydronaphthylalanine (delta ZPhe, delta EPhe, delta ZNal, ENal) and L-O,O'-dimethylphenylalanine (Dmp). The aim of this study was the topographical characterization of the binding subsites of human NK-1 receptor expressed in CHO cells, especially the S7 and S8 subsites, corresponding to residues Phe7 and Phe8 of substance P. According to the binding potencies of these substituted-SP analogues, the S7 binding subsite is smaller than the S8 subsite: the S7 subsite accepts only one aromatic nucleus, while the S8 can accommodate three coplanar nuclei altogether. These findings are compatible with the idea that the S8 binding subsite may reside in the extracellular loops of the hNK-1 receptor. NK-1 agonists bind to human NK-1 receptor and activate the production of both inositol phosphates and cyclic AMP. As already quoted for septide, [pGlu6, Pro9]SP(6-11), discrepancies are observed between affinity (K1) and activity (EC50) values for IPs production. While a weak correlation between K1 and EC50 values for IPs production could be found (r = 0.70), an excellent correlation could be demonstrated between their affinities (K1) and their potencies (EC50) for cAMP production (r = 0.97). The high potency (EC50) observed for "septide-like' molecules on PI hydrolysis, compared to their affinity is not an artefact related to the high level of NK-1 receptors expressed on CHO cells since a good correlation was found between EC50 values obtained for PI hydrolysis and those measured for spasmogenic activity in guinea pig ileum bioassay (r = 0.94).