Endogenous production of SRIH and GHRH was analyzed in human breast tissue. SRIH precursor (pro-SRIH) was identified after Sephadex G-50 filtration of acetic acid extracts of normal and tumoral human breast samples. SRIH-(1-14) or -(1-28) could not be detected in breast tissue, whereas the immunoreactive SRIH released in vitro was characterized as SRIH-(1-28). Endogenous production of GHRH was assessed by identification of GHRH messenger ribonucleic acid by PCR followed by sequencing of the amplified complementary DNA and by high performance liquid chromatographic characterization of immunoreactive GHRH contained in the tissue and released in vitro. There were no differences in pro-SRIH or GHRH-(1-44) tissue contents between normal and tumoral samples. The release of both peptides was evidenced in perifusion and static incubation. Perifusion of normal breast tissue (n = 3) showed pulsatile release of SRIH and GHRH. Perifusion of tumors (n = 4) showed SRIH release in 50% of the cases. SRIH release was pulsatile in one case. GHRH release was observed in the four tumoral samples analyzed, but was pulsatile in only one case. In static incubation, tumors (n = 6) secreted 13 times more GHRH than did normal samples (n = 3; 383 +/- 92 vs. 29.6 +/- 4.6 fmol/mg protein; P < 0.05). Stimulation of GHRH release by exogenous SRIH was observed only with the normal tissue. Together these data provide evidence for the existence of local production of SRIH and GHRH by human breast. Hypersecretion of GHRH by breast tumors indicates that this peptide could play a role in maintaining epithelial cell proliferation as is the case for other peptides produced locally.