Background: The role of surgery in managing patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) was studied in the era of the Rashkind double-umbrella device.
Methods: All 354 patients with PDA referred to our center in a 5-year period were included in this report. Of the 354 patients, 236 underwent cardiac catheterization with the intent of transcatheter PDA closure, and 118 had surgical intervention.
Results: In 46 (19.5%) of the 236 patients having cardiac catheterization, the procedure either was abandoned or failed. Color Doppler echocardiography demonstrated total occlusion of the ductus after 24 hours in 97 patients (41%) in the cardiac catheterization group. An additional 20 patients had no residual leaks at follow-up. Twenty other patients underwent reocclusion because of a residual shunt. Thus, of the 236 patients, 137 (58%) had successful complete closure of the PDA. Surgical PDA ligation was performed in 118 patients as the initial procedure and in 26 of the 46 patients in whom transcatheter closure was abandoned. If the remaining 20 patients in whom transcatheter closure failed are added to the 144 patients who underwent PDA ligation, the percentage having surgical intervention versus transcatheter occlusion is higher than 46%.
Conclusions: Our data suggest that surgery plays a major role in the management of patients with PDA despite the advent of new interventional catheterization techniques.