Schwannoma is the most common intraspinal tumor, which at times goes out of spinal canal and spreads into the paraspinal tissue to produce a dumbbell configuration. A 58-year-old woman is reported, in whom a plain thorax X-rays accidentally disclosed a mass located in the posterior mediastinum. Computerized tomography (CT) revealed a dumbbell lesion, 4.5 cm in diameter, in the right rib-vertebral groove at the T9 level. Spinal angiography showed localization of Adamkievicz artery at the T10 level on the left side. The lesion appeared hypervascular and was embolized by particulate agents (Contour Emboli 150-250 mu) with reduction of its blush. A combined two-team (thoracic and neurosurgeon) approach permitted an uneventful removal of a schwannoma.