Two Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs were evaluated because of disruption of the distal portion of the urethra. In 1 pig, disruption was a complication of castration; in the other, disruption was associated with a stricture at the junction of the membranous and penile portions of the urethra. Prepubic urethrostomy was performed in the first pig, because the urethra and penis had been damaged extensively during castration and primary repair of the urethra was not considered possible. Prepubic urethrostomy was performed in the second pig, because the stricture was too close to the vesicourethral junction for perineal urethrostomy to be successful. Both pigs recovered without complications and maintained urinary continence. Lack of tension at the urethrostomy site, atraumatic tissue handling, spatulation of the urethral orifice, and accurate apposition of the urethral mucosa to the skin margin are essential to maintain urinary continence and to prevent stricture of, and urine-induced dermatitis around, the urethrostomy site.