Swine Chromosome (Chr) 6-enriched libraries, generated with size-fractionated DNA isolated from chromosomes sorted by flow cytometry, have been used to develop new Chr 6 microsatellite markers. Chromosome isolation procedures were established to reproducibly prepare high quality chromosomes from phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated swine peripheral blood lymphocytes and to sort individual chromosomes after staining with Hoechst 33258 and chromomycin A3. Chromosome purity was verified by specific staining of swine Chr 6 with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) by use of painting probes generated by degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR) amplification of as few as 300 sorted Chr 6. For library construction, DNA was extracted from flow-sorted pools representing Chr 6, amplified, size selected for fragments from 300 to 700 bp, and ligated into pBluescript SK II+ or Lambda ZAP Express. The libraries were then screened with a radiolabeled poly-(dCA) DNA probe. Of 107 (CA)n repeat-containing clones verified by sequencing, 21 were polymorphic and used to genotype the University of Illinois swine reference families. Linkage analysis was then performed with CRIMAP 2.4 (LOD > 3.0), and the results showed that 15 of the microsatellites mapped to swine Chr 6. At least three of these new markers map to locations where there were gaps in the consensus Chr 6 map. Another four markers, because of their PIC values, should provide more informative markers in other areas of the map. Most of the new markers can also be used for automated genotyping with fluorescent labeling. This set of 15 new Chr 6 markers will, therefore, be useful in helping to define QTL associated with swine Chr 6.