Background: In order to evaluate whether immunoregulatory mechanisms are brought about by human donor bone marrow cell infusions accompanying organ transplantation, we established in vitro culture systems analogous to the transplant model.
Methods: Cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) and mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) responses of peripheral blood lymphocytes or spleen cells stimulated with irradiated cadaver donor spleen cells in the presence of specific donor vertebral-body bone marrow cell (DBMC) modulators were tested.
Results: When compared with spleen cells as modulator controls, DBMC inhibited both the proliferative and cytotoxic responses in a dose-dependent manner. Use of unirradiated and T cell-depleted DBMC was required for detection of the inhibitory activity. Furthermore, DBMC had to be added within the first 2 days after the initiation of the cultures for the down-regulation of CML (MLC) to occur. The down-regulation of MLC responses could not be shown to be antigen (donor) specific. Physical separation of DBMC from the responder-stimulator cells using the transwell system abrogated modulation of the CML (and MLC) reactions, suggesting the requirement of cell-cell contact for modulatory effect. The inhibitory activity by DBMC could not be overcome by addition of up to 200 U/ml of exogenous recombinant interleukin 2 to the cultures. However, it could be abrogated by restimulation with donor spleen cells, indicating that donor reactive cells were not deleted by DBMC in short-term cultures.
Conclusions: These results showed a regulatory role for DBMC in cellular immune responses against donor cell alloantigens, supporting the rationale for DBMC for facilitating clinical allograft acceptance.