We investigated brain activity during the self-initiated, simple, repetitive hand movement in two patients with hemiparesis due to stroke, who showed relatively good motor recovery, using movement-related cortical potential (MRCP) and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) measurements with positron emission tomography (PET). One patient had cortical lesions in the left premotor and left parietal cortices due to cerebral thrombosis, and the other had lesions in the right Rolandic area and several subcortical areas due to the occlusion of the right internal carotid artery. MRCPs in both patients showed lack of the contralateral predominance in amplitude of the late component of slow negative shift prior to the movement of the recovered hand. PET activation study showed increased rCBF in the ipsilateral hemisphere during the movement of the recovered hand. These findings suggest that the ipsilateral hemisphere to the recovered hand may play an important role in the process of motor recovery in patients with cortical infarction, especially within the time period of several hundred ms before the onset of each movement.