An avidin-biotin complex (ABC) dot-blot, an antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) were used to detect bluetongue (BLU) virus or viral antigen or both in adult Culicoides variipennis sonorensis Wirth & Jones. The dot-blot and ELISA procedures detected viral antigen in 10-22% (depending on serotype) of the biting midges infected with BLU-2, BLU-10, BLU-13, and BLU-17 and approximately 68% of the midges infected with BLU-11. IEM analyses revealed BLU virus in salivary glands, fat body, and thoracic muscle tissue from infected insects. There appeared to be selective growth of the virus in salivary gland tissue.