Devazepide (L-364718, a non-peptide antagonist of CCK-A receptors), inhibits the proliferation and induces morphologic changes in the mucous-secreting, autonomously proliferating human cancer colon cell line (HT29-S-B6. Addition of devazepide (10 microM) for at least 3 days in the exponential phase of growth enhanced the baseline production of gastric M1 mucins 2-3-fold and that of carcinoembryonic antigens 5-fold. Moreover, devazepide induced an increase in the amount of the MUC-5AC mRNA expressed by HT29-S-B6 cells. The increased in mucins secretion induced by devazepide was persistent after removal and independent of the presence of serum. In conclusion, devazepide-L-364718 behaves as a maturation agent in the cell clone HT29-S-B6.