A new arrangement consisting of two separate Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) ion traps was used to develop methods for the manipulation of the ions produced by an electrospray ionization source (ESI). A first, "accumulation" trap, is generally maintained at a higher pressure than the second, high-performance "analyzer" trap. The manipulations developed and demonstrated include the following: (1) mass-selective ion transfers between the traps; (2) mass-selective step-wise accumulation of low-abundance ions of different mass-to-charge ratios transferred from the first trap to the analyzer trap; (3) simultaneous detection of ions in the analyzer trap and ion accumulation in the source trap; (4) simultaneous ion detection in the accumulation trap and ion storage in the analyzer trap; (5) sequential multiple transfers of the ions into the analyzer trap from the same ion population stored in the accumulation trap; (6) collision-induced dissociation of ions stored in the accumulation trap followed by mass-selective transfer of the product ions into the analyzer trap; (7) sequential transfer of the ions of different mass-to-charge ratios into the analyzer trap from the same ion population stored in the accumulation trap followed by the collision-induced dissociation of transferred ions in the analyzer trap. These ion manipulations benefit multistage studies and are projected to be useful in many biochemical applications of ESI-FTICR, including structural determination of biopolymers and study of noncovalent complexes.