Objective: To evaluate nuclear grading on fine needle cytopunctures of breast carcinoma, which is of special interest when neoadjuvant chemotherapy is planned.
Study design: In a prospective study, we compared cytologic grading, based on nuclear parameters (pleomorphism and mitosis), to modified Scarff-Bloom-Richardson histologic grading in 105 primary operable breast carcinomas. The results of these two nuclear grading systems were compared to Feulgen image analysis data from the corresponding cytologic samples.
Results: The concordance rate between the two grading systems was 76%. Concordance between cytologic and histologic grading was observed more frequently in purely invasive carcinomas (85%) than in cases combining invasive and in situ components (56%). A highly significant relationship was observed between the two grading systems and indices of proliferative activity (S-phase fraction, proliferation index, 5c exceeding rate and endoreduplication rate), particularly in concordant grading. Furthermore, nuclear area correlated with the results of the two grading systems.
Conclusion: Cytologic nuclear grading appeared to be a reliable tool for a large proportion of breast tumors. Despite difficulties related to tumor heterogeneity, which could be detected by careful cytologic examination, it is a useful alternative to histologic grading.