Each eye of Aplysia contains a circadian clock that produces a robust rhythm of optic nerve impulse activity. To isolate the pacemaker neurons and photoreceptors of the eye and determine their participation in the circadian clock and its generation of rhythmic autoactivity, the retina was dissociated and its cells were placed in primary cell culture. The isolated neurons and photoreceptors survived and vigorously extended neurites tipped with growth cones. Many of the photoreceptors previously described from histological sections of the intact retina were identified in culture, including the large R-type photoreceptor, which gave robust photoresponses, and the smaller tufted, whorled, and flared photoreceptors. The pacemaker neurons responsible for the rhythmic impulse activity generated by the eye were identified by their distinctive monopolar morphology and recordings were made of their activity. Isolated pacemaker neurons produced spontaneous action potentials in darkness, and pacemaker neurons attached to fragments of retina or in an isolated cluster interacted to produce robust spontaneous activity. This study establishes that isolated retinal pacemaker neurons retain their innate autoactivity and ability to produce action potentials in culture and that clusters of coupled pacemaker neurons are capable of generating robust autoactivity comparable to pacemaker neuron rhythmic activity recorded in the intact retina, which was previously shown to correspond to 1:1 with the optic nerve compound action potential activity.