Objective: Septo-optic dysplasia, which consists of the association of the hypoplasia of the optic nerves and the agenesis of the septum pellucidum, is frequently associated with deficiency of hypothalamic releasing factors. In Magnetic Resonance (MR) of these patients, anomalies in the form and size of the pituitary stalk, adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis are found. Some cases show schizencephaly and it has been proposed as an added component of the syndrome by some authors. This fact has been refuted by others.
Patients and methods: We present the clinical and neuroanatomic revision of six children with septo-optic dysplasia studied by MR imaging over the last five years in our Department of Neuropediatrics. The aim was, that through the neuroembryological discussion of the morphopathological aspects of the patients, to determine the malformation and the time in which the injury, which was the underlying cause, occurred.
Results: From the six cases, in two only disruptive signs were evident with the optic nerves being affected asymmetrically, disruption of the corpus callosum, falx cerebri indemnity and effects in the cortex conformation. This was opposed to the dysgenic features in the other four cases which had no disruptive features.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that this entity could be the result of at least two different pathogenic processes, that is, a minor form of holoprosencephaly (dysgenesis) or a disruption which, therefore, occurs later in gestation.