The immunohistochemical localization of large hyaluronate-binding proteoglycans has been studied in human tooth germs at the bell stage using a monoclonal antibody, 5D5, which is derived from bovine sclera and specifically recognizes the core protein of large proteoglycans, such as versican, neurocan and brevican, but not that of aggrecan. In the early bell stage before predentine secretion, when the enamel organs consisted of the inner and outer enamel epithelia, stratum intermedium and stellate reticulum, the enamel organs were not stained by 5D5, but the dental papillae and follicles stained strongly. Concomitant with the secretion of predentine, dentine and subsequent enamel matrix, strong 5D5 immunostaining distributed over the entire cell surfaces of secretory ameloblasts was observed. The forming enamel matrix showed strong staining. While most of the inner and outer enamel epithelia and stratum intermedium lacked staining, the cervical loop region and stellate reticulum showed weak staining. Although the forming dentine and odontoblasts appeared to lack 5D5 affinity, the predentine, dental papilla and dental follicle demonstrated moderate to strong reactivity. At the ultrastructural level, specific immunoreaction by immunogold particle deposition was clearly detected over the basal lamina of presecretory ameloblasts, secretion granules of secretory ameloblasts and the forming enamel matrix. These results indicate that a marked increase in the large proteoglycan associated with secretory ameloblasts may correlate with cell differentiation and enamel matrix biosynthesis.