The last epidemic outbreak of poliomyelitis in Norway lasted from 1950 to 1954. The article describes the occurrence of poliomyelitis in Western Norway on the basis of 243 medical records from this period. The epidemic reached its peak in Western Norway in 1952, while the highest number of new cases of poliomyelitis in Norway as a whole occurred in 1951. We found equal representation of both sexes. Most cases were recorded in late summer and autumn. Most patients (96%) had general symptoms, most frequently headache. The fever was moderate. Meningeal irritation (neck stiffness) was recorded in 56% of the cases. The most frequent neurological symptom was asymmetric limb paralysis. 6% of the patients died. High fever, extensive paralysis and inadequate respiration had a negative effect on the prognosis. 57 patients had aparalytic poliomyelitis and were hospitalized for a short time.