The aim of this work is to determine the influence of age, extrahepatic biliary lesions pattern (EHBP) and association to polysplenia syndrome (PS) on 10 years outcome of 164 patients with biliary atresia (BA) treated from 1984 to 1992 by initial Kasai operation (KO) and secondary liver transplantation (LT) when necessary. Actuarial crude survival without or after LT (CS), actuarial survival with native liver (NLS) and jaundice-free actuarial survival with native liver (JFS) were calculated from 1 to 10 years versus age (under/over 45 days), EHBP (favorable/ unfavorable) and PS (no/yes). Overall 10-year CS is 70%, overall 10-year NLS and JFS are 14%. In univariate analysis, age at KO under 46 days, favorable EHBP (BA with patent gallbladder, and/or cystic dilatation of extrahepatic bile duct, or BA restricted to choledocus), and absence of PS are significant determinants of a better outcome regarding CS, NLS and JFS. EHBP is more discriminant than age. Influence of PS in this series is redundant with that of EHBP since 11/11 patients with PS had unfavorable EHBP.