Mood and response to auditory sexual stimuli were assessed in 33 hypogonadal men receiving testosterone (T) replacement therapy, 10 eugonadal men receiving T in a male contraceptive clinical trial, and 19 eugonadal men not administered T. Prior to and after 6 weeks of hormone administration, men completed a mood questionnaire, rated sexual arousal to and sexual enjoyment of auditory sexual stimuli, and performed a dichotic listening task measuring selective attention for sexual stimuli. Mood questionnaire results suggest that T has positive effects on mood in hypogonadal men when hormone levels are well below the normal male range of values, but does not have any effects on mood when hormone levels are within or above the normal range. However, increased sexual arousal and sexual enjoyment were associated with T administration regardless of gonadal status. Eugonadal men administered T also increased in the bias to attend to sexual stimuli. In contrast, the comparison group of eugonadal men not administered T showed no mood or sexual behavior changes across the two test sessions. These data support a positive relationship between T and sexual interest, sexual arousal, and sexual enjoyment in men.