c-fos induction was investigated as a potential component in the avian photic entrainment pathway and as a possible means of locating the central pacemaker in birds. In both quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) and starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) exposure to 1 h of light induced Fos-lir in the visual suprachiasmatic nucleus but not in the medial suprachiasmatic nucleus. However, the degree of c-fos induction in the visual suprachiasmatic nucleus was similar at different circadian times despite the fact that the light pulses caused differential phase shifts in the locomotor rhythm. For golden hamsters the same experiment resulted in significantly different levels of Fos-lir in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, as well as different phase shifts. Starlings and hamsters were also entrained to T-cycles that caused a large daily phase shift (T = 21.5 h in starlings, T = 22.67 hours in hamsters), or no daily phase shift (T = free running period). No difference in the induced levels of Fos-lir in the visual suprachiasmatic nucleus region was observed between the two groups of starlings, but in hamsters there were significantly different levels of Fos-lir in the suprachiasmatic nucleus between the two groups.