The objective of this study was to examine the natural history of the multicystic dysplastic kidney and the use of sonography for follow-up studies. A retrospective study was performed on 66 children with a radiological diagnosis of multicystic kidney. The change in size demonstrated on sonograms was examined. Adequate follow-up was available on 55 children over a period of 32 months (range 2-69 months). 40/55 of the kidneys underwent a reduction in size, including 22 which were no longer detectable by ultrasound. 10/55 kidneys showed an increase in size and 5/55 showed no change. Reduction in size occurred at a mean age of 84 weeks (range 20-120 weeks). In conclusion, most multicystic kidneys undergo partial or complete involution over the first 2 years of life. The mean size of the multicystic kidney at diagnosis is a poor predictor of eventual outcome.