Despite growing interest in quality of life (QOL) as an important variable in nursing and health care, little research focuses on QOL in women with ovarian cancer (OVCA). The purpose of this study was to examine QOL in OVCA survivors. The convenience sample consisted of 152 women in all disease stages. Quantitative data were collected using the QOL-Cancer Survivors tool and a demographic sheet. Qualitative data were collected by asking participants to write their definitions and experiences of QOL since their diagnosis. Reliability and validity of all data and findings were established. Findings reveal that QOL is moderately high for this group of cancer survivors, despite some specific negative facets of the illness and treatment experience. Qualitative analysis elaborates the four domains of Ferrell's QOL model: physical, psychological, social, and spiritual well-being. Qualitative data also reflect the complexity of the cancer experience.