Arterial hypertension is a common finding in climacteric women even though the role of reduced estrogen levels in promoting this condition remains unclear. The purpose of the present survey was to evaluate the effects of hormone replacement therapy in hypertensive postmenopausal women. 180 patients were studied; they had been postmenopausal for 12-18 months and afflicted with mild or moderate essential arterial hypertension for less than 2 years. Patients were randomly divided into two groups and treated with progestin-estrogen therapy (group I, 96 patients) or with antihypertensive drugs (group II, 84 patients). Fourty-one cases in group I (42.7%) responded adequately to hormone therapy with persistent normalization of blood pressure levels; antihypertensive drugs were effective in 61 patients in group II (72.5%). The 23 unresponsive patients in group II were subsequently treated with progestin-estrogen therapy and a normalization of pressure values was achieved in 10 of these (43.5%). These results suggest that hormonal treatment determines, in at least one third of the cases, a significant reduction in blood pressure values. Moreover, hormone replacement may be effective even in patients that have not responded to antihypertensive drugs.