Background: The appendix vermiformis can provide an excellent urinary conduit or a catheterizable outlet in continent urinary reservoirs in selected cases. We report our clinical experience using the appendix in urinary reconstruction in adult patients.
Methods: A total of 12 patients underwent urinary reconstruction using the appendix. The indications were pelvic malignancies except for 1 patient with neurogenic bladder and difficulty in self-catheterization via urethra. The appendix was used as a catheterizable conduit in 8 patients, and as a urinary conduit in 4 patients. The in situ submucosally embedded method was used in 6 patients and the Mitrofanoff method was used in 2 patients. Follow-up ranged from 3 to 41 months (mean, 22).
Results: Early complications occurred in 3 patients (wound infection, false passage and intestinal anasotomotic leak). Late complications occurred in 3 (slight hydronephrosis, ileus, stomal stenosis). Emergent colostomy and pouchstomy with resection of the appendix was performed in the patient with anastomotic leak. The isoperistaltic Kock nipple valve was reconstructed for continence in this case. Prolonged ileus in 1 patient was treated by open surgery. Other complications were managed conservatively. End results were excellent in 8 patients, good in 3, and poor in 1.
Conclusions: The appendix can be used advantageously as an outlet of continent urinary reservoirs or for a urinary conduit when the ureter is too short to reach the skin. Complete continence and easy catheterization can be obtained, and the appendix construction can be used as a urinary conduit instead of the ileal conduit in poor risk patients.