Bacteroides forysthus has been shown to be prevalent among patients with periodontitis. Conventional microbiological methods used to identify this bacterium, however, are laborious and time-consuming and are therefore not well-suited for screening purposes. We have developed a polymerase chain-reaction (PCR) method which is rapid, specific, and simple to perform and does not require other sample pre-treatment except a brief centrifugation. This method was applied to the detection of B. forsythus in subgingival plaque of 58 periodontitis patients. When compared with the results of conventional culturing, the PCR method always confirmed the culture-positive results, while none of the PCR negative samples was shown to be culture-positive. The PCR method appeared to give more than double the number of samples positive for B. forsythus than culturing (89.7% vs. 37.9%). The analysis requires less than 4 hrs to perform, and is specific only to B. forsythus and sensitive enough to detect fewer than 5 bacteria.