We have isolated and characterized a cDNA which contains the entire coding sequence of Xenopus laevis cyclin D2 protein. Cyclin D2 mRNA is identified as a member of the class of maternal RNAs. It is rare and stable during embryonic development at least until tadepole. In addition, a second cDNA coding for a truncated version of cyclin D2 was also isolated. Microinjection of cyclin D2 into oocytes undergoing meiotic maturation and parthenogenetic activation reveals that the protein is stable for several hours, independently of the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of cyclin B2 that takes place periodically during this process. Microinjected cyclin D2 localizes both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus of oocyte. In somatic cells, it is well established that cyclin D2 is almost exclusively nuclear and very labile. The unusual behaviour of cyclin D2 upon injection into oocytes may provide indications about a possible role for this protein during meiosis and early development.