The authors report the occurrence of the first three clinical cases of Lyme disease in Mato Grosso do Sul State, including the first case of Lyme meningitis in Brazil. These were identified by clinical and laboratorial criteria. Anti-Borrelia burgdorferi antibody search was carried out through ELISA and Western Blotting techniques, the former providing identification of IgG class antibodies alone, in one only of those cases. Through Immunoblotting, the following features were found in serum: 5 IgG and 2 IgM bands for the first case; 7 IgG and 2 IgM bands for the second; and 5 IgG and 6 IgM bands for the third. In the latter, presence fo specific antibodies was searched in liquor, due to lymphomonocitary meningitis occurrence, and one IgM band was detected. After antibiotic therapy, all patients exhibited significant clinical and laboratorial improvement in their conditions along with symptom regression to the present moment.